How Real Is The World Of Wireless Sensor Networks?

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are providing remarkable benefit for a number of industries. The ability to add remote sensing points, without the cost of running wires, results in numerous benefits including energy, security and material savings, process improvements, labor savings, and increase of output. But questions still remain if we have taken the capabilities of wireless sensors a step further by allowing them to become a dependable solution that was once envisage. Has the government invested enough to make this technology a reality? I have discovered to my amazement that most of the universities do not even have WSN department with the rich potentials it possesses, one wonders how they expect to be in the forefront of technology.

REALWSNThe theory and practice of WSN and their networking have gone beyond a research work that is dumped in the library without application. According to the workshop organisers of Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN) “When working with real-world experiments or deployments, many new issues arise: the network environment may be composed of a variety of different technologies, leading to very heterogeneous network structures; software development for large scale networks poses new types of problems; prototype networks may differ significantly from the deployed system; actual sensor network deployments may need a complex combination of autonomous and manual configuration. Furthermore, results obtained through simulation are typically not directly applicable to operational networks and it is therefore imperative for the community to produce results from experimental research.”

According to the workshop chair, Luca Mottola an Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Italy and a Senior Researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science  “The purpose of the fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the area of sensor networks, with focus on real-world experiments or deployments of wireless sensor networks. Included are new forms of sensing such as those that leverage smart phones, Internet of Things, RFIDs, and robots.”

The fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor will be held at the Como Lake, Italy in September 2013. Therefore, Authors are invited to submit papers (12 pages, Springer format, 9 or 10 point font size) for presentation at the workshop. In addition, the organisers will have a poster and demo session for PhD and master students with a deadline of August 15, 2013 and notification August 22, 2013

All topics pertaining to real-world wireless sensor networks are of interest, including but not limited to:

  • Experiences with real-world deployments
  • Mining real-world WSN data
  • Sensor systems leveraging smart phones (crowd sensing), Internet of Things (IoT), RFIDs, robots.
  • Experimental validation/refutation of previous simulation results obtained by others
  • Real-world performance of self-organization and self-management
  • Debugging, testing, validation, and management
  • Deployment and configuration
  • Applications in medicine, industry, science, environmental monitoring, etc.
  • Security and trust
  • Scalability in practice
  • Development and prototyping platforms
  • Operating systems, sensor network programming paradigms, and languages
  • Middleware for heterogeneous networks
  • Real-time and dependability issues
  • Hardware support for real-world sensor networks
  • Robustness at all levels: communication, software, hardware
  • Energy efficient protocols
  • Hardware and software methods for energy measurement and profiling

Important dates to note

  • Electronic submissions due: June 21, 2013   Update: Deadline now June 28th
  • Notification of acceptance: August 8, 2013
  • Camera-ready copy due: August 30, 2013
  • Workshop: 19-20 September 2013

In Luca’s final submission for you to be part of this great workshop; “My research is about designing, building, and validating modern distributed systems in Cyber-physical and “Internet of Things” scenarios! To that end, I try not just to talk and to write about these systems, but also to build and deploy them!

Hope to see you at the workshop!
