WSN Development with XBee

XBee is the brand name from Digi International for a family of form factor compatible radio modules. This technology can be used to provide advanced temperature control, smart lighting and assist in the controllability or automation of so many other household functions including music and television controls etc. An example of this would be the embedding on a Zigbee radio in the electric meter and thermostat. This would enable the user to have the lights automatically turn off as the more expensive rates go on even if they are not at home. The consumer could of course override this if at home. Other uses in this area include the general monitoring of energy consumption in the home. Other uses includes in Home security, Asset tracking, mobile healthcare that allows verification of patients information by real time monitoring, M2M communication and energy monitoring

XBee Basics by tunnelsup

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Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Lesson Five