Second Security Bypass Detected in Credit Cards

After the discovery of a loophole in some credit cards, ETH researchers have now figured out a way to bypass the PIN codes for other payment cards. Contactless payment is very important, especially during these trying times to help reduce…

Why Women Publish Less Papers than Men: Parenting Roles

Despite advances in family-leave offerings and men taking on a more active role in parenting, females in academia still experience about a 20% reduction in productivity after having a baby, while their male counterparts generally do not, according to recent…

New Executive Order by Biden to Address Chip Shortage

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to address the worldwide chip shortage affecting a vast range of industries; from electric vehicles to medical supplies. The order consists of a 100-day review of essential products including semiconductors and…

The Challenges of Online Voting Discussed by Experts

The use of technology in electronic voting for elections has been a constantly discussed topic for years. It has the potential to reduce the stress associated with manual voting and collate results faster and more accurately. However, it is not…

Love in the Computer Age

The selection of mates among humanity is so fundamental to its survival, and yet, so mysterious. It has been the subject of intense psychological studies and research for decades, resulting in varying theories about why we choose the person we…

Making The Fashion Industry Greener Using Blockchain

Fashion brands are growing increasingly keen to become environmentally friendly, but with the production of clothes involving complicated global supply chains, they can’t always guarantee that greener materials are being used. TextileGenesis believes the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin…

AI Teaches How to Play the Piano

A University of Washington team recently pondered if they could recreate the magic that happens between performers and their instruments while performing, using only visual cues— in this case, a silent, top-down video of someone playing on the piano. The…